The PCOS Dietitian Blog
The Awesome Benefits of Metformin for Women with PCOS: What Every Cyster NEEDs to Know
If you have PCOS , there is a good chance you have heard of the medication metformin. However, what you may not know is why it was prescribed for you in the first place. So much of the advice I give to patients surrounding diet revolves around many of the same reasons...
PCOS Friendly Snacks – Parsnip Chips
PCOS Snacks - Parsnip Chips Hello Y'All! It's Thursday and you know what that means? It means it is time to talk PCOS friendly snacks! Last week we talked about my little sweet and salty finds - Trader Joe's Unsalted Peanut Butter Pretzels. If you missed last week's...
Five Tips for PCOS and Weight Loss
Hello Cysters! There no denying it - most women who have PCOS are overweight. While we are not entirely sure why this population tends to be more overweight than not - we cannot deny the evidence. The number one reason why people come to see me when they have PCOS is...
Hot off the Press – New PCOS Drug in the works
New PCOS Drug on the Horizon Wow cysters this is HUGE! Finally some promise on the horizon for treating women with PCOS. A new PCOS drug has just completed a phase 2 clinical trial. And the results seem quite promising! Yay - Hooray! Will this drug help "cure"...
PCOS Friendly Snacks – Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels
PCOS friendly snack of the Week Happy Thursday Y'All! Today I wanted to share with you my favorite PCOS friendly snack of the week. So I have been thinking lately -- and one of the questions I often get from women who have PCOS is, "What can I snack...
The Best Carbohydrate Counter for Women With PCOS
Hi Everyone - This will likely be one of my longest posts - but I think one of the most resourceful blogs! One of the questions I get asked a lot is, "How do you determine how many carbohydrates are in specific foods?" We can always read the label. But what happens...
Why Weight Watchers and PCOS Don’t Play Nice in the Sandbox
Given the fact I have been successfully helping women with PCOS lose weight for the last decade, it is fair to say I have seen my fair share of diets.
PCOS friendly recipes : Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
I can hardly believe it is the middle of July! Can you? Why does the summer seem to always go by so fast? Even as a professor, despite getting out school mid-May, 3 months never seems enough. I know, I know cry me a river, right? Nonetheless, I hope you are taking...
PCOS: Powerful Chicks with Outrageous Strength
PCOS and Pregnancy: Preventing Gestational Diabetes
PCOS and pregnancy Pregnancy is an exciting time, especially because so many women with PCOS have been trying to conceive for years. Having PCOS and being pregnant, however, poses additional risks for women with the syndrome, especially for developing gestational...